Mindful Collaboration
I created the Mindful Collaboration Program to help you gain clarity, confidence, and energy as you move through your day.
Daily support and a new perspective can really help you to move the needle. The key is a daily conversation without the hassle of having to schedule anything.
This is not a coaching program, but a collaboration project with you, the client, in charge of the process. If you’re ready to work in partnership with me to support you in your own journey of personal growth, then let’s have a short conversation to discuss how this might work for you.

12 Week Program
What I Do
- Listen
- Lend support/feedback
- Create a safe container for the client to share personal stories
- Challenge old belief systems
- Offer new perspective on challenging issues
- Present alternative ideas for problem-solving
- Collaborate on new strategies for self-improvement
What YOU Do
- Communicate daily via WhatsApp
- Express your truth
- Ask the hard questions
- Apply the lessons in your life
- Ask for help on the integration
- Take ownership and responsibility for the journey
- Offload difficult thoughts/feeling/emotions that arise
What WE Do
- Collaborate on ideas
- Share experiences
- Create a Good Shots journal
- Learn to let go
- Forgive yourself
- Start to shape your reality
- Learn how to tell your own story
The Fine Print
- The process works when you commit to full transparency, honesty, vulnerability, and ownership
- The program is designed to be free-form (no rubric, no homework). We create a structure that best suits your needs
- A leap of faith is required
- Mutual commitment (I will commit to you at the level you commit to you)
Weeks 1-2: $400 (includes a 1-hour consult plus 2 weeks of daily, asynchronous messaging)
Weeks 3-12: $1100
Dan is unlike any mentor or coach – or even therapist – I’ve ever had. And I mean that in the best of ways.
He’s a skilled communicator who’s not afraid to be direct and cut to the chase. But he does so in a way that’s meaningful – and grounded in compassion and empathy.
Dan is one of those people who can really see an issue for what it is – and help you address THAT – instead of all the x-y-and-z emotions you attach to it. Kind of like treating the root cause of a problem versus just the symptoms.
For me, this WAS the strategy that helped me recover in – well, a fraction of the time I thought it would take. Because Dan’s innate ability to get to the heart of issues quickly meant we could start solving those issues quickly. Which is exactly what we did.
And I’m not even kidding when I say that… I learned more about forgiveness and letting go in just 3 months of working with Dan than I ever had in the 34 years I’ve been alive.
Speaking to Dan Simon was an absolute pleasure. I was surprised how quickly he was able to guide me from feelings of confusion and powerlessness back to acting as my most effective and powerful self.
The outcome of our relatively brief interaction was a shift within me that ushered in a parade of positive experiences and new possibilities almost instantly. I am infinitely grateful to him for his intuition, kindness, and compassion, but most of all for handing me back the power I hold over my own life.
Dan has a fantastic ability to listen closely, understand where you are coming from, and go straight to the heart of the matter. His kindness, gentleness & non-judgmental approach helped me to really open up to saying things that I would never have shared otherwise. I would recommend working with Dan and his process to anyone.